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At the time of the Corona crisis

The government's information is mainly focused on how we can prevent contamination: social distancing, keeping a distance of one and a half meters, washing hands, not touching face, protective clothing, etc. This is understandable and very useful.

It is a pity that little attention is paid to how we can strengthen our immune system and thus, in case we become infected, reduce the complaints and shorten the recovery time.


The immune system is not an isolated system, but directly connected to, among other things, the nervous system and the emotional brain. Sufficient relaxation, plenty of exercise, positive emotions and a healthy diet can greatly contribute to a well-functioning immune system and therefore to optimal ability to bounce back after a possible infection. We are certainly not powerless at the mercy of this crisis. With this website we want to offer you a number of practical tips. You can choose what is most valuable to you in these special times.


We wish you good health!

Specific advice regarding Corona

Here we present a few different, partly overlapping, views on specific additions to a healthy diet. Also check the article at the bottom of

- Homeopathy -

Tips to stimulate your natural defenses for strong resistance to, for example, the Corona virus


  • Get on your bike and ride out of the city. Cycling is healthy exercise and poses little risk of infection if you do not get too close to others. When the weather is nice, nature provides vitamins and other stimulating substances for your immune system. They are in the air.

  • Use a multi-vitamin preparation from a natural source every day.

  • Take extra vitamin C. Ester-C is a good form. 500 mg every 2 hours. during the active period of the day. Max. 6 x 500mg. per day. A normal maintenance dose is 2x 500 mg. per day.

  • Other nutritional supplements that boost the immune system are:

    • Cordyceps sinensis 1.5 – 3 gr. per day. Do not use in case of leukemia, anti-hormone therapy, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    • AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound), extract of fungal shiitake mushrooms. 1-3 gr. per day. Not during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    • Probiotics with Lactobacillus rhamnosus. To improve intestinal flora.

    • Coneflower or Echinacea. Use 140 – 840 mg. per day, taken with meals.


Classical homeopathy is famous for its effective treatments for epidemics. Follow these links to read about it (in English): and .

During the Spanish flu epidemic (1918), millions died worldwide. Many classical homeopaths were active in the USA at the time. Of the 26,000 Spanish flu cases treated with classical homeopathy, 1.05% died. In contrast, of the 24,000 Spanish flu patients treated by regular doctors, 28.2% of those treated died.

Karel Eigenraam

- Juglen Swan -

Which supplements?


This coronavirus is fairly new, so reliable studies on the relationship between supplements and the coronavirus are not available. However, there are some tips to give. For example, it is smart to get the following supplements:

Zinc lozenges can counteract the severity of viral infections in the throat (1112). This explicitly concerns lozenges! Tablets that you have to swallow are less effective and nasal sprays can cause permanent loss of the sense of smell (13). More is not always better, there is no point in taking more than 100 mg zinc per day (14).

Vitamin D is able to prevent infections of the upper respiratory tract. We make this vitamin from sunlight, but in winter the sun does not shine strongly enough and most people stay indoors (15). Did you know that the UV rays in sunlight are deadly for viruses? This makes it less easy for a virus to spread in the summer (16). Researchers analyzed the increasing number of all confirmed cases in all affected cities and regions from January 20 to February 4, 2020. Their findings appear to show that the virus spreads most easily at a temperature of 8.89°C (17).

Vitamin C can shorten the duration of a cold. You have to take it before you get sick (18). Moreover, it works better in athletes and the elderly (19). The latter is especially interesting with COVID-19, because it hits the elderly especially hard (20). As a preventative measure, researchers recommend 100 – 200 mg vitamin C to saturate the blood plasma, but in acute infections we should rather consider grams (2122).

Fake news
It is striking that vitamin C is now being used against COVID-19 in China (23). Please note: this concerns vitamin C that is administered directly into the veins (intravenously). A randomized study is currently underway into the effectiveness of vitamin C against the coronavirus (24). At the same time, there are many sites that state that vitamin C against this coronavirus is purely based on nonsense and that this is purely fake news (2526). The truth is that there are no long-term studies available. Vitamin C treatment is experimental. Both supporters and opponents will have to be patient until final figures are available (27).

More is not always better
Many influencers are currently recommending taking extreme amounts of supplements in the fight against the coronavirus (2829). The old orthomolecular thinking in the past was that more was better. We now know that we can take too much of most vitamins and minerals (30). For this reason, it is better not to overdo it.

- Orthomolecular -

Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor


(OMNS January 26, 2020) The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular.

It is very important to maximize the body's antioxidant capacity and natural immunity to prevent and minimize symptoms when a virus attacks the human body. The host environment is crucial. Preventing is obviously easier than treating severe illness. But treat serious illness seriously. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention. It is not an either-or choice. Vitamin C can be used right along with medicines when they are indicated.

The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection. The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults; for children reduce these in proportion to body weight:

Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.

Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)

Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)

Zinc: 20 mg daily

Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily

Vitamin C [1], Vitamin D [2], magnesium [3], zinc [4], and selenium [5] have been shown to strengthen the immune system against viruses.

The basis for using high doses of vitamin C to prevent and combat virus-caused illness may be traced back to vitamin C's early success against polio, first reported in the late 1940s.[6] Many people are unaware, even surprised, to learn this. Further clinical evidence built up over the decades, leading to an anti-virus protocol published in 1980.[7]

It is important to remember that preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established. Those who believe that vitamin C generally has merit, but massive doses are ineffective or somehow harmful, will do well to read the original papers for themselves. To dismiss the work of these doctors simply because they had success so long ago sidesteps a more important question: Why has the benefit of their clinical experience not been presented to the public by responsible governmental authorities, especially in the face of a viral pandemic?


NUcheckt checks claims about the coronavirus every day. This time we look at vitamin C. There appears to be no evidence that extra vitamin C helps combat the coronavirus.

From a large-scale analysisExisting research showed in 2013 that taking extra vitamin C does not reduce the risk of a cold for most people. A beneficial effect of extra vitamin C was only demonstrated in marathon runners and others who performed vigorous physical exertion for long periods of time.

In addition, taking extra vitamin C for a long time had a small effect on how long a cold lasts. By taking vitamin C for a long time, you may catch a cold for one day less. There is no point in taking a lot of vitamin C if you already have a cold, as no effect was found.

Based on what we know about vitamin C and the common cold, no major effect of the vitamin on preventing infection with the coronavirus is expected. However, specific research into this is still lacking.

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