Head and neck
The source of many headaches and neck pain is trigger points. Some are deep-seated and require specific treatment, but most can easily be treated yourself. For headaches and also In complaints after whiplash you often see that the flexor muscles of the neck are weak. Below you will find an exercise to activate those muscles again. Other complaints in this area, such as jaw complaints, tinnitus and dizziness, can sometimes be caused or exacerbated by trigger points. Here, examination and treatment can be done by a doctorfascia therapist be meaningful.
You can also do the above exercise with a slightly larger rubber ball, which is a bit more intense but also more specific. If the headache is very intense, it may be difficult to do this exercise. It is useful to do this exercise when the headache is less intense or absent.
Another exercise is: lie on your back with your hands behind your neck. Calmly examine with your fingers whether you can find painful points under the edge of your skull or in the line from there towards your sternum. Once you have found such a point (this is often a trigger point), slowly push that point towards your sternum. Gently massage the hardened gel and push it towards your breastbone. If it doesn't work, ask your fascia therapist to demonstrate this technique to you.
Treatment of pain points in the fascia of the neck
You can relax your neck muscles in a very pleasant way with a soft, inflated ball. Let your head 'float'.
You can gradually increase the intensity of this exercise by tightening it more and more often.
Good exercises for a stiff neck
Practical tips and links:
Increasing the mobility of the chest, thoracic spine and shoulders can reduce tension in the neck. Check it outchest andshoulders for additional exercises.
There are various foam rollers on the market. The only one that is soft enough for this type of exercises is the Pilatus roller soft (blue with wave pattern)
The following books are recommended for more exercises:
The roll model by Jill Miller​
The MELT method by Sue Hitzmann
Don't forget all the options below to promote your recovery.