Mindfulness is nowhere as easy as in a quiet place in nature, preferably on/on the water. A feeling of peace and connection with nature is yours for the taking. There is room for rest, reflection and clear ideas.
The earth is the greatest source of antioxidants, protectors against low-grade inflammation. Man is perhaps the only animal that hardly makes direct contact with the earth anymore. Shoes, asphalt, tiles and mattresses hinder contact. There is research that indicates that this can contribute to pain and fatigue. If you live in a place where it is not easy to walk on the sand with your bare feet, there are various products on the market that can 'ground' you again (sheets, mats, even mouse pads).

"In nature I feel good about the world "(unknown)
"Nature is the ultimate healer"(unknown)
'Forest bathing'
For those who want to directly boost the immune system, there are a number of interventions that are accessible to everyone. The most important of these is: seeking out nature. The leaves of trees and shrubs release substances called phytoncides, which are intended to protect the leaves against attacks by insects and pathogens, and which have the added benefit of boosting the human immune system. In autumn, the highest levels of this beneficial substance circulate — which is probably no surprise, as we have known since time immemorial that an autumn walk does us good, especially when we kick through piles of fallen leaves and throw them into the air (as children naturally do). doing). But trees and plants also release large amounts of this substance in spring and summer. (source: Annemarieke Fleming: tackling your fatigue).
The color green has a pain-relieving effect
The hygiene hypothesis now also incorporates the findings that children who grow up on a farm suffer less often from allergies than children who grow up in very clean, prosperous households. It is not only exposure to disease-causing bacteria, but also to bacteria, for example on farm animals or in soil, that can keep the immune system busy in a productive way.
There is increasing scientific evidence that contact with environmental microbes, such as those found in soil, can help protect us against autoimmune diseases. (Source: The brain in your stomach, Sonneveld)
Practical tips and links:
Take off your socks and shoes and walk on the earth barefoot.
UV light has an anti-viral effect! So go outside a lot. Sunlight also produces vitamin D3, which boosts the immune system. If you go outside early in the morning, you also strengthen your biorhythm, which in turn ensures better sleep.
Take a long walk on a clear night, look at the stars, let it wash over you (also called the 'awe-walk').
Take an old-fashioned walk through the pouring rain (dancing is also allowed).
Breathing exercises are even better in nature (always breathe through the nose).
Do the discussion while taking a walk.
It is best to come inside if you have first felt cold or been wet by rain. A hot drink also tastes better.