Everywhere in our body there is a preference for a certain acidity level (pH), so the blood wants to remain between 7.35 - 7.45 and our stomach acid 1.5 - 2. When there is an ideal acidity level, the environment can function optimally. This acidity is strongly influenced by what we eat and the Western lifestyle often leads to acidification of the blood.

For example, we eat more bread, dairy & meat compared to vegetables and fruit. It is the fatty acids and amino acids that lower our pH and the minerals that make us basic again. In the right proportion of eating our food this is not a problem.
When our body has been acidic for too long, our body tries to compensate with the help of our lungs and kidneys. Our kidneys try to excrete the acid through the urine and our lungs mix the oxygen with the proteins, creating carbonates and subsequently deacidifying us. Our digestive system produces sodium bicarbonate to deacidify the environments where necessary. To achieve this, certain minerals and vitamins are needed. One of the most important is zinc.
If we have been acidic for too long or too much, we may experience complaints because the acid is not properly removed and can be stored in our muscles, joints, connective tissue and/or blood vessels.
Practical tips and links:
Look at the picture above and see which acidifying products you can replace with alkaline foods.
Balance stressful moments with moments of peace
Exercise every day to stimulate the lymph that removes acids from our body
Quit smoking
Eat slowly, chew well, eat a maximum of 3 times a day. By chewing, enzymes are added to the food that deacidifies the food.
Do the special deacidification breathing exercise: [link]