The importance of water
We consist of at least 65% water. We lose fluid through breathing, sweating and urination. Sufficient water intake is therefore of vital importance! In fact, all bodily functions depend on sufficient water: digestion, breathing, circulation, metabolism, the immune system, temperature regulation, but also the musculoskeletal system.
Water provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells and for the disposal of waste. Water keeps all tissues of the body at sufficient levels tension (just like in plants) and is essential for optimal chemical balance in all tissues.
In short, water ensures that everything runs smoothly in our body.
Many complaints such as pain, fatigue, dizziness, reduced
concentration, memory problems, decreased mood,
high blood pressure are linked to a disturbed fluid balance.
2% dehydration leads to a 20% reduction in physical performance!
Wrinkles, dry skin and obesity are also reinforced by this
a moisture deficiency. Sufficient water protects the kidneys and heart.
Quote:'you're not sick, you're thirsty' (dr. F. batmanghelidj)
Factors that (partly) cause low-grade dehydration are unhealthy diet, air conditioning, dry heat, medication, smoking, stress.
Water and pain
When all body tissues are moist, they are flexible and less likely to become tense. Tissue that is less moist, on the other hand, becomes overloaded or damaged more quickly. After all, less fluid means less removal of waste products and therefore an increase in acidification in the tissue (and this can lead to pain).
Water must flow
Water must flow to get oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to remove waste products. Water that stands still becomes acidic. Lots of exercise ensures optimal flow.
Large movements, powerful movements, rhythmic movements, stretching movements, but also very small movements. A 2016 study of 12,700 women showed that those who wobble a lot have a 43% lower risk of all kinds of conditions. Calm abdominal breathing also stimulates the flow of fluid in the body. See also the mini yoga exercise: a series of movements that sets the water in motion in every corner of your body. [click here]
How do you know if you are dehydrated? [click here]

4 pillars of a better fluid balance
It is not just about water intake, but especially about absorption. So just drinking more water is not enough, the body has to absorb it! Below we list a number of things that are important for a good moisture balance.
1) drink water
Most advice talks about at least 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Please realize that you lose extra water in hot weather (extra evaporation) and through exercise (sweating). Then you also have to drink more than those 1.5 to 2 liters.
2) minerals
Minerals ensure that water is better retained by the body. Too much refined salt (sodium only) disrupts the balance between sodium and potassium and thus causes dehydration of the cells. Unrefined sea salt, Celtic salt and Himalayan salt contain a natural mix of minerals (including potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.) and ensure a good balance between moisture in and outside the cells. And a little 'fleur de sel' sprinkled over your food tastes delicious.
NB. The important iodine has been added to table salt, unrefined salts contain little iodine.
3) movement
Compare the body to a sponge. When you pour water over a dry sponge, a large part of the water runs off the sponge again. However, if you alternately squeeze and release the sponge while pouring, it will absorb the water much better.
4) relaxation
Tissue that is relaxed can hold much more fluid.
Eating water is more effective than drinking water​
Fluid intake by eating leafy vegetables and fruit is better than by drinking water alone. The water in plants is naturally purified, alkaline (helps with deacidification), full of minerals, fiber, antioxidants and nutrients. These additives ensure that our cells absorb this water more easily. The fibers also ensure that the cells retain moisture better.
For example, cucumbers consist of 96.7% water, tomatoes 94.5%, spinach 91.4%, broccoli 90.7%, strawberries 91% and apples 84%.
Practical tips and links:
Drink enough water!
Eating water is more effective than drinking water: Eat plenty of leafy vegetables and fruit, also in the form of smoothies
Soft drinks, coffee and black tea do not provide more water in the body. They probably actually lead to dehydration.
The need for water can sometimes manifest itself as hunger. If you feel hungry, drink some water first. The feeling of hunger may go away.
Drinking two glasses of water half an hour before you eat ensures that you feel full more quickly and therefore eat less.
Sitting reduces the flow of fluid. Get up regularly to walk a bit and/or do some strength or stretching exercises. If that is not possible, ensure sufficient mini movements (e.g. 'wobbling') and good abdominal breathing.
2 glasses of water shortly after waking up activate the internal organs.
1 glass of water 30 minutes before each meal improves digestion.
1 glass of water before taking a bath (or two) lowers blood pressure.
1 glass of water before going to bed reduces the chance of cramps
Don't drink too much in the evening if you often wake up during the night to urinate. Take small sips if your mouth is dry.
Older people feel thirst less well and there is a slightly greater risk of dehydration.
Ground chia seeds form a gel together with water, which provides the body with water more slowly and effectively.
The air is very dry on an airplane, so drink at least a glass of water every hour you are on the road and add a little bit of unrefined sea salt to the water. This can reduce jet lag on long flights.
A fascinating book about fluid balance and ways to improve it is the book "Quench" by Dana Cohen and Gina Bria. It contains many practical tips and recipes for delicious smoothies.